继科克托改写俄尔甫斯之后 戈达尔也来改写奥德修斯了 正如Camille从不会想到“奥德修斯参与特洛伊战争是为了躲避已厌倦的妻子 无限延宕回家的时间”这一层 Paul怎么也想不明白自己凝视之下无暇的金发美人为何要戴上黑色的假发?那具如古希腊雕像般完美的胴体为什么拒绝向自己敞开?智识水平被他碾压的打字员又为何要超越电影免费观看完整版在线播放超越电影免费观看完整版在线播放她的自己?但将夫妻关系放在艺术片导演-制片人的镜像关系中 他也不是不懂 毕竟电影产业中的个体很难不陷入一种“女性的处境” 只不过超越电影免费观看完整版在线播放丈夫的妻子都是要死的 超越电影免费观看完整版在线播放电影的导演还要苟活着拍片嘲讽罢了
Cause of death: savage gutting; crime weapon: playing cards. The Cincinnati kid (Steve McQueen) is a prodigy of the stud poker game, but is he going to dethrone the most reputable player of all, “the man” himself (G. Robinson)? And will the earnest dealer and friend of both (Karl Malden) remain impartial? A dream cast at the service of a minimal though sharp story. As far as scripting goes, sometimes less is more – it makes every action, though innocuous it may seem, actually loaded with meaning. By the time the twist-in-the-tail ending slams down ruthlessly, we reel back & ponder the forces that drove to the fateful outcome. The writing was on the wall, we just weren't inclined to read.